i might put a kick-ass pic on here too one day. if i feel like it...
mmkay.. this is my page where i come to bitch about stuff that i don't like.
these are MY OPINIONS on things. i'm not saying that i'm right, nor that i am wrong. i'm saying this is what *i* think.
if you don't like it, go to hell. :) do not e-mail me saying how i'm wrong, and you're right, and blah blah blah. that'll only piss me off. then i'll have to come on here and bitch about that too.
so don't do it. :)
with that in mind...let's get right to it...
*date: january 7, 2002*
tody's topic:people are assoles, yet again.
"tracey, you did this one already." i what you're thinking, right? wrong. yeah, the topic was the same, but the story is different today. so on to it.
well.. my life irl is pretty fucked up right now. i made the mistake of dating my ex roomie, kelly. not for long, mind you. but yes, i did date him. why? i do not know. but that's not the point. the point is, he's been trying to ruin everything i have going for me ever since i broke up with him. he bitches and complains about me and dan, so me and dan split up. he bitches and complains about andrew coming up for a week, so andrew only stayed for one day. now i've sort of got this other guy, stan. i've known the guy for over a year now, but i never actually got to know him until recently. i started to like him. and i believe that he feels the same way about me. well, kelly finds out. he goes INSANE. he starts bitching at me, stan, ray *another friend of ours*, and anyone else he can sucker into listening to him. well, because of some of the things he said, stan won't do anything with me because he doesn't wanna fuck up their friendship. that's cool, loyal friends are great. but correct me if i'm wrong here, but shouldn't there BE a friendship before it can be ruined? kelly and stan never talk. maybe twice a year. that's about it. and even then it's only by chance that they run into each other somewhere. now, this could just be me but i doubt it, but that's not really much of a friendship. so i've gotta ask.. what's the problem in me liking stan, then? sure, he's a truck driver and he'll probably fuck me for a while and find someone else, but that's MY problem, not kellys'. see, i think that i should be abe to make my own decisions. i'm 18 years old, in america that's an adult. and adults can make heir own decisions. correct? so why can't i? because a guy is jealous cause i want to be with someone else, and not him? that's fucked up. if kelly "loves" me like he keeps reminding me day after day after day, then he'd want me to be happy, right? well, right now, i'd be happy hanging out w/ stan. but see, i can't even do JUST THAT without kelly going insane. so what the hell am i supposed to do? i tried being nice to kelly. i tried not dating anyone or anything, and tried to help kelly find someone. that didn't work. so i try being a bitch about it. i tried saying "fuck you, this is my life, not yours. stay out of it. ect." that didn't seem to work very well either. so now what? kick him out of my life completely? well, that's not really possible. b/c all my friends are his friends too. so what am i left with? if any of you know, please please pleeeeeeease let me know. cause i'm stuck here.
see, kelly's also trying to make up lies now. trying to blame things on others. he told me that ray, who's a good friend of stans' and has been for quite some time now, was going around and telling people that i'm a whore, i don't care about anyone not even myself, ect. but i got to thinking about it. and what better thing for kelly to do than pass the blame to someone else at ths point. he knows i'm pissed at him, so why not make me pissed at someone else, then maybe kelly will look like the good guy. well, that's where he went wrong. kelly underestimates me sometimes. and i really wish he'd learn that. he'd be a lot better off if he did.
anyway, stan's out of town right now.. and doesn't know what all is going on. i'm sure ray doesn't know either. so sometime tmrw more than likely, i'm going to give ray a call. tell him what's going on. see what he thinks. then, on the 25th when stan gets back in town, i'm going to let him know too.
hopefully we can get this straightened out soon. or else i'm going to have to shove my pretty, new, leather 4" heel boots up someone's ass.
*date: august 30, 2001*
today's topic:your heart.
i'm sure this has happened to everyone. you meet someone, you like them alot or maybe even fall in love with them, you have a fight and break up. a year or so later you still have feelings for them even though you've dated other people. you try and try and try some more to get over them, yet you just can't seem to do it.
so you pretend. you act like the only feelings you have towards them are friendly, and that's it. they tell you all about they're new boy/girlfriend. you pretend that it doesn't bother you.
eventually, you try to tell them how you really feel. only problem is, when you do this they're with someone else. bad timing.
then finally, they're single! yay! only problem is, you're not. and you don't wanna hurt the person you're with. so you keep quiet yet again.
the only thing i gotta say is this: love really does stink.
i think i may just rip my heart out myself, put it in a box with chains and barbwire and electricity running through it so no one can ever touch it again. :|
i don't know though. i mean, it COULD be worse, right? the person could hate me. and then i really would never have a chance again. -shrug-
*date: march 11, 2001*
today's topic:hairdressers.
we all go to 'em. whether just to get a little trim, or for a whole new 'do. let me tell you people something, just because you're gay, does NOT make you a good hairdresser.
yesterday morning i went to get my hair cut, layered, and dyed bright red. the ONLY thing this guy did right was cut it to the length i wanted it. he can't layer worth shit. all he did was layer the front, and he did NOT do a very good job. the back is perfectly straight. now, i don't know what kind of school he went to, but where i come from this is not layering.
but i can deal with that part. i can get that fixed. the part that really made me mad was dying my hair. he put WAY too much dye on the top of my head. it's a lot brighter than i said i wanted. and the bottom part, that was barely even touched! it's red, but it's a darker shade. he missed about 208365892652 places. so now i have bright red and dark red hair, with little spots of medium brown.
yes, i should have said something to him while i was there. but they were super busy and he was rushing me out the door. he didn't even give me half a second to look at what he'd done.
and then he goes and charges me 70 fucking dollars for this!?! arrgh. i'm deffinatly going back and raising hell with him. but they're closed today, and i work all week, so it'll have to wait until next saturday.
it's not THAT bad i suppose... but it's not what i wanted. and i told him, in clear english what i DID want.
but see, this wasn't my first time at this place. i've went once before, but the lady who did my hair then did a REALLY great job. she didn't dye it then, but she layered it. and it looked great. if i go back there, i'm making sure she's the only one in there who touches my hair. >:(
*date: january 26, 2001*
today's topic:period.
yes, we all know about that little monthly visitor. usually lasts between five and eight days, you get bloated, killer cramps that feel like tons of knifes being jammed into your stomach, you ache all over, etc.
now, i understand about the blood part. that's our bodies cleaning itself out, and getting rid of the old eggs, and all that good shit. but why in the HELL do we have to have cramps?! they don't to anything but give us pain. *much like males. ;)*
something that really pisses me off though, is when a chick's on her period, and the guy's are just like "oh, suck it up. it doesn't hurt that bad. blah blah fucking blah".
first off, you're male, YOU DON'T HAVE A PERIOD. so how the FUCK would you know how bad it hurts?!
i, and i'm sure a lot of other females would too, would LOVE to see males go through just ONE full day of having a period. they'd be be on their knees begging for it to go away in less than an hour.
*date: whenever the fuck i made this page.*
today's topic:people are assholes.
seriously. and the ones that're the worst are the one's who are supposedly your friends.
they're all super nice to you. you become really close. tell each other everything. and then one day, you...-gasps-...make a mistake! and that's it. they turn into a complete bastard. and won't listen to a damn thing that you say.
we're only human beings. we are NOT perfect. we all make mistakes. deal with it. and stop being such fucking babies about stupid things that i can guarantee EVERYONE has done at least once in their lifetime.
that's it for now.
but there will be more, i promise that.
i complain a lot. :)