ever mind the rule of three...what ye send out comes back to thee
hey everyone. well, as you can see, i'm doing a complete turn-around on my site. what am i trying to make it, you ask. well, it's going to have tons of different things on it. the main thing, though, is going to be sort of an information site about wicca. i'm still going to have the bitching page up, and the about me thing, and the page for milly, and some other pages that will soon be added.
btw- you like the scroll bar? heh. i was looking up something today, and saw it. and thought it was cute. so i had to have it. ;)
-the scroll bar only works on msie, though. sorry netscape people. ;p-
anyway. i hope you enjoy your stay. or something. :p
my page dedicated to milly. it doesn't have a lot on it, and most likely won't as i don't really know what to put on it. but it is a permanent page on my site.
this page is dedicated to all my friends.*needs to be updated.. badly.* there's a group thing at the top, then a few individual things at the bottom. it's still under major construction, but there's some up now. so go take a look, and tell me what you think.
i know most people hate signing these things, but it'll only take two minutes. so please do it.
or i might have to kick some asses. ;) jk.
that's all i have up so far.. but if you'd like to contact me for any reason *questions, comments, etc. (hate mail is welcome. i need someone to bitch at. ;) )* you can do so by e-mailing me at: tracieallen13@hotmail.com
my e-mail is not a link because i know a lot of people don't use browser-based e-mail. i've gotten a few questions about it, so i figured, instead of answering them all individually i'll answer you all right here. -nod-.
also, a huge thanks goes to matt for helping with putting words instead of addies on that bar at the bottom. :p