you and me, we're in this together now, none of them can stop us nowyou and me, we're in this together now, none of them can stop us now...
this page is dedicated to the few people online who're still friends with me after all the bullshit i've put them through.
i know i've hurt you guys. and i know that you've forgiven me. and i'm thankful for that. none of you should have had to put up with me. but you did.
i am sorry about everything i've ever done wrong, to all of you. not just the people on this page, but to everyone i've ever known.
some of it has been my depression talking. but, i'm going to be a woman about it, and take responsibility for my own actions.
most of it was me. i can get pretty bitchy at times. i know that. and i'm working really hard on it. i'm also working on the taking my problems out on people thing too.
i know i haven't really been around much the last six months or so. and it was kind of good that i wasn't. i mean, i missed you all like crazy, but it gave me a chance to get away from everything so that i could concentrate more on working on my problems.
i haven't done a complete 360 or anything, but i think that i have changed some.
anyway though, i just wanted to do a group apology before i started this page.
okay, now on to the individuals...
first off is georgie, the sexiest bitch alive. :p
i know we've had our problems. we've had some pretty big one's at times. but after all that, you're still here. you've always been here. whenever i needed someone to talk to about anything, you've been there. whether it was shit like trying to pick between two people who i wanted to be with, or bigger things. i can honestly say i can't remember a time when you haven't been there for me. i just wanted to say thank you for that. you mean more to me than just about anyone. we've been through a lot. i love you, hun.
drew- you'll probably never read this, but i'm putting you on here anyway. i just wanna say that i love you so much. i hate the fact that we're on different sides of the country, but hopefully that will change really soon. and i know that we've had our share of problems, the fact that i kept losing the 'net, the thing with josh, and more recently your little date, but i wanna let you know that i -do- trust you. i know that you wouldn't do anything to purposely(sp?) hurt me. and i guess i did over react a little with that. i just don't wanna lose you again. i love you, sweetie.
richie- i don't know if you'll ever read this or not, i don't know if you even come on anymore. i know that last i was around, you were hardly on. but i hope you do get a chance to read this. i've known you almost longer than anyone else on here that i still talk to. we've been through SO much shit. good and bad. you were like my first long-term relationship on here. aside from daniel. who doesn't count because he's a jackass. heh. but anyway. it didn't work out, any of the 10 thousand times we tried. but yet no matter how bad that got, we still remained friends. and i wouldn't have it any other way. the only thing i'd change right now, is that you'd be around more. i miss you so much.